Should Ehab Implement a Suggestion Page?
Recently, there has been some people wanting an admin election. Before that, many people wanted a daily debate post. These are all cool suggestions, but what if Ehab doesn’t see them? What if some great suggestions are buried under the vast amounts of articles and comments? This could all be fixed with a suggestion page.
How it could Work
How would a suggestion page even be implemented? Should it be an article people comment on? Should anybody wanting to suggest just email Ehab? There is no “one size fits all solution.” I don’t have the time to spend an entire period thinking, so if you have an idea of how to implement a suggestion page, just post it in the comments.
If we were to make one, one idea would be to make a post every monday for suggestions. People would post in the comments their ideas. Ehab would look at this once a week and implement any suggestions he wants to.
yess this is a 🔥🔥🔥 idea