Hello, How are you doing. I think this is a cool site, even though I haven’t looked at the articles. Looks at the articles Repost if Balls Itch… This doesn’t seems serious. Is it, or is it not. Oh. Jeju Air 2216: What We know so far, maybe it is serious. Should I post more? Why am I asking so many questions to myself? What if no one responds? What do I do? AM I ALL RIGHT? Help? I’m questioning everything? How does this even work? Am I having a mental breakdown? What is a mental breakdown? What will people think about this breakdown? Is this really a breakdown thou? Is the use of the word thou incorrect? Am I being to informal in this? Does this mean I fail? What am I doing with my life, writing my anxiety on a website that everyone can see? Maybe I shouldn’t post it? Should I? I am OK? Why is this even allowed? When will all of society collapse and the destruction of the human race begins? Anyway, post any questions about this mental breakdown in the comments! And don’t forget to have a greeeaaaaat day.
Nice post about a man having a psychological breakdown
SungYup’s Here!
he lost his sanity indeed
alr bro i think thats too much playdoh for you
he has had one too many playdoh nuggets