If you have been active on this site, you will know of a recent debate that has been going on. You may wonder, what is this “play-doh debate?” In this article, I will explain what is currently happening and what you should be doing right now.

The 2 Sides

As a debate, there are obviously sides. In this case, there are 2. “OG Red Play-Doh” and “Chernobyl Green Play-Doh.” But what started all of this?

The Origin

All of this began when Joseph Manning posted an article on this site titled “VOTE: Best Play-Doh Flavor.” Due to a misunderstanding, Joseph took the article down, but we are hoping it will be reinstated soon. The choices between red and green play-doh were heavily contested. But what should you choose?

The Correct Choice

No need for fanfare and large, convoluted paragraphs. You should choose green play-doh. The reasons? Simple. I have already posted, supporting green play-doh. This is a direct quote from my article “Green is simply better than red. It is the color of nature and life, of “go” stop lights, and it has been associated with wealth. Meanwhile, red is the color of anger, and blood. When eaten, green has a much more refreshing taste, a great finisher to any meal. Red, however, has very strong flavor, like pig brains”

Source: https://ehab.lawz.online/2025/01/15/why-green-play-doh-is-better/

My Call to Action

Sadly, the original article was taken down. But, we have confirmation Ehab, the creator endorsed the Play-Doh Debate. Thus, we must get Joseph to reinstate the original survey, and post the results. This can be achieved by commenting on his posts, emailing him, or telling him in person. While we do this, we can also do one more thing. Gather support from other people. We must spread the greatness of green play-doh. All hail green.

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