By unanimous vote, the Daily Debate has been implemented, with the first topic being “Are Tacos Sandwiches.”

Debate will occur in the comments section, remember to keep things civil and school appropriate. As this is a somewhat serious post, don’t joke around too much.

So, is a taco a sandwich, or just a taco? Tell us what you think and why.

By Joseph Manning

Member of the Admin Team, extremely bad at time management.

10 thoughts on “Daily Debate Post #1 – Are Tacos Sandwiches?”
      1. Yeah I personally think that tacos are not sandwiches, simply due to the fact that a sandwich is defined as having two different pieces of bread while tacos are put in one conjoined piece of bread.

  1. Tacos are not sandwiches. Why? You see, the taco shell isn’t even bread. Tacos usually have corn chips as shells. Even if the shell is bread, like a tortilla or something, it still is not a sandwich. A sandwich is 2 or more slices of bread. No matter what, there is only 1 slice of tortilla.

  2. Tacos are not sandwiches. A sandwich needs to include ingredients, well, sandwiched between two pieces of bread, not one taco shell. Also, tacos are Mexican, sandwiches are British. That’s like saying ramen and spaghetti are the same.

  3. A Taco is not a sandwich. Sense when did sandwich’s have tortilla on the outside. The definition is: an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, or other filling between them, eaten as a light meal. Tacos don’t have bread, they have tortillas. Which are made of bread but aren’t still bread.

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