Ethan working on his uncanny valley article

We all know that Ethan is really smart. But why is this? My team (Me) has narrowed it down to a couple reasons. And I know what you’re thinking, “it’s because he’s asian”. WOAH. WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT. You’re disgusting.

Reason 1: uhhhh he’s asian

Sorry guys but this might be a huge factor as to why he is so smart. Asian people tend to be very hardworking and smart compared to other people. I am asian but I’m not as smart as Ethan yet. (more on that later).

Reason 2: Glasses

Ethan wears glasses! Everyone who wears glasses is smart; that’s just common knowledge.

So why not me 🙁

The reason Ethan is smarter than me is the glass wearing time ratio. While I only wear my glasses to look at something far away not so often, Ethan wears his 24/7.

Interview to find the truth:

The following is a transcript of the interview I had with Evan.

Me: Hello Ethan

Ethan: Hi

Me: I need you to answer a question for a interview really quick

Ethan: ok

Me: why are you so smart?

Ethan: uhhh Asian

Me: ok

By Faris Khalid

Hi, I make articles some serious some not

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